No pain, no gain? Is this also true for people with back pain? No, because back pain is a physical health complication that relates to various factors – and not merely the lack of exercise. For instance, one`s lifestyle, diet, physical activity, genetics, bone structure, and more are all common factors. It’s important to note that the first step in addressing the back pain is to note that it’s a sensory, physical, and emotional experience. Also, there are various techniques which you can use to manage the pain and resume your normal activities. However, in some rare cases, you might have to consult with a medical health professional for additional advice.
Whether it’s a small ache after carrying heavy luggage, or the familiar twinge during some garden work – it’s still a form of pain. The condition is prevalent. It is one of the most common reasons as to why people have to visit the doctor. In fact, a recent study estimated that as many as 5 out of 10 people had experienced some form of back pain.
The majority of back pain problems tend to be non-specific, with hard to identify causes. That said, the common causes might include traumatic changes to the discs and joints in the body. The back pain can lead to additional pain in the sections such as nerves, muscles, joints, and more. Other health complications that affect organs such as kidneys, pancreases, the gall bladder, and more might also be causes of the back pain.
The initial assessment of the pain will involve a physical exam and evaluation of the history of the patient. Other important characterizing aspects of the pain might include the duration, the location, history, trauma, and more. Also, factors such as age, cancer, fever, weight loss are also common.
Back Pain – Is it Psychological?
To understand the nature of back pain, it’s essential to learn about its purpose. Pain is the technique through which the brain alerts the body of a compromise in body functions. How the brain identifies a specific injury relates to the level of pain that you experience. Pain is an emotion that is processed in the central nervous system and the brain. Both these parts of the body have sensory capabilities, which relate to emotional experiences. Since the neural and psychological aspects of pain often go together, it’s also significant to evaluate both aspects during the treatment process.
While traditional medications such as physical therapy might help to relieve the pain, they often fail to incorporate cognitive factors as well. In fact, research has shown that behavioral techniques might even prevent chronic recurrences of the pain. In some cases, issues such as stress might lead to issues such as poor posture. Such issues can also cause back pain and are also considered in the treatment process as well. If the pain relates to psychological factors, then techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and hypnosis will be beneficial. These are proven pain management techniques which also work well when used with other treatment methods.
Common Causes of Backpain
Back pain can occur due to various factors, particularly sitting in awkward positions for long durations. Furthermore, it may also occur when you lift heavy items, or perhaps when you just place the spine in an unusual position for too long. That said, the pain, in most cases, does not relate to a specific and can be resolved within a few weeks. However, for some individuals, back pain is often a chronic complication. On average, the condition classifies as chronic if it occurs for several months. The pain might recur, and such a condition requires professional medical help.
Lower back pain occurs as a result of many other complications that occur in the muscles, discs, ligaments, nerves, and more. The pain might also occur in the vertebra, which is the bony structure that exists in the spine. The back pain that occurs suddenly and lasts for a few days is acute back pain. The pain that develops suddenly and lasts for several months is referred to as severe back pain. The pain that lasts for more than three months is referred to as chronic pain. Usually, chronic pain indicates that the treatment provided during the first months of the problem, are not successful. Even if this type of pain might not relate to something serious, the pain can cause discomfort and affect the quality of your life.
The main factors that contribute to the issue of back pain are inactivity, repetition, and force. Thus, activities such as heavy lifting can affect the structure of muscles and ligaments, thereby leading to straining. More so repetitive movement such as twisting and placing intense pressure on the spine can lead to back pain. Similarly, poor posture and sitting for long durations can also have negative impacts on the spine. In fact, simple aspects like improper or poor workplace positions, and un-even chair height can lead to immense back pain.
These are some of the common sources of back pain and the appropriate quick fixes. They include:
The Neck
The common cause of this complication is straining the neck for long durations of time. The pain arises due to excessive strain on the neck area. In this case, consider placing your computer at the appropriate position, such as eye level and sit up correctly. Throughout the day, try and imagine that your chin is on a shelf. Then, try and retract the head back such that it’s in the same position as the shoulders. The goal is to repeat this position as much as possible throughout your work schedule.
The common cause is repeated overhead activities such as lifting heavy items or reaching for elevated areas. A good exercise for this would be to use an extended item such as a broom handle or straight stick to teach you the proper alignment of the spine. Place the stick along your spine. Ensure that you maintain the rod on your back with one hand, and the other at the lower section of the back. Then, practice sitting and standing as you place your hips on a chair with the rod also placed on your back.
Upper Back
Your body position during sleep might be the main complication, mainly if you prefer sleeping on the side. The recommended sleep position is on your back, with your legs propped and the neck on a neutrally placed pillow. However, once you fall asleep, you cannot guarantee that you will maintain this position. To improve mobility in your upper torso, consider sitting on a chair as you interlock the fingers behind the head and each elbow in a similar position. Then, stretch your upper body on the back of the chair as you perform a deep breath. Perform this stretching exercise for a few minutes.
Middle Back
The common cause often relates to carrying large items such as bags regularly. Furthermore, repeated and awkward motions such as drying your hair can lead to pain. Movement is like body lotion for the joints in the body. Thus, to address any pain the middle back, consider moving around every 45 minutes in the office. To improve the strength of the spine, and prevent pain in the middle back, perform a kneeling lunge as you place your shin on the floor. Ensure that you maintain the trunk upright, and move the body forward until you experience a significant stretch in the front section of the body. Repeat this technique for three reps and maintain each position for half a minute. Then, change sides, until you achieve the best results.
Lower Back
The common cause of pain in the lower back might occur when you pick up bulky items such as children. Furthermore, bending over at the waist can lead to increased stress on the discs of the spine and secondary pain. More so, activities such as cycling and improper posture can lead to strain on the lower extremities.
The easy solution for this complication is to control the amount of pressure placed on the back at any point in time. Any excessive stress on the back can easily lead to pressure on the discs and muscles, which can lead to pain. Also consider working the back using the appropriate exercises such as deadlifts, which can help strengthen the back muscles.
What are The Symptoms
Pain is the most significant sign of back complications. It can occur in many forms, including burning sensations, sharp twinges, or even a dull ache. While the pain is less likely to lead to secondary complications, some signs might indicate a much more severe complication. The most common symptom is discomfort or weakness in the legs. The pain might also lead to immobility, and pains that shoot down the physical structure of the leg. If you come across any of these symptoms, then visit a health professional soon. If the symptoms relate to a traumatic injury, then it’s vital to get your health checked as quickly as possible. The back pain might occur due to more than just a small injury or fall. The pain might also require added investigation to rule out complications such as a fracture or slipped discs in the body.
Furthermore, if you come across any reduced sensation in the back area, then seek medical advice as soon as possible. In some cases, the lower back pain might also relate to health complications such as arthritis, or other issues in the spine or joint. Any pain that increases in severity, or is ongoing should be evaluated by a medical professional.
Fortunately, in most of the cases, the back pain does not occur as a result of a serious physical health issue. The symptoms might improve over time, and there are several techniques you can use to relieve the symptoms. That said, in some cases, the back pain can be a symptom of a severe health complication that might need medical help.
Ways to Put This Information into Action
There are various techniques you can use to add medicine strategies to pain management programs. They include:
- Find an excellent medical health professional – you want to visit a professional doctor. Aside from physical therapy, the doctor should also consider addressing psychological aspects. Thus, the ideal doctor will even recommend secondary treatments to ensure the best results. These might include treatments such as acupressure and meditation. Meditation is perfect if you experience the pain on a regular basis.
- Conduct some research – there are various information resources available that you can use to conduct the research process. Learning about the techniques for avoiding and managing back pain will go a long way in relieving back pain issues.
- Consider physical therapy – it is also vital that you engage in physical therapy to help provide optimal back relief benefits. The physical therapist knows about neuroscience and pain management. This explains why behavioral treatments are suitable for treating most types of pain that occur in the body.
- Consider new age therapy – as previously mentioned, pain is also a psychological complication. Therefore, techniques such as meditation, hypnosis, yoga and more can be beneficial for managing the pain. These are powerful techniques, which you can also use to manage pain associated with chronic pain that arises for conditions such as slipped discs.
Back pain can be a sign of a severe complications such as a slipped disc, or a simple problem like a poor lifestyle. Regardless of the cause of the back pain, treating the difficulty on time is essential. The basic techniques for addressing back pain include adjusting your sitting posture, proper workout plans, and more. However, if the condition persists, then you might be looking at advanced solutions such as surgery. Back pain is easy to address, provided that you apply the right rehabilitation program for your back. Your physical therapist should provide a proper treatment process for the complication. The ideal treatment process not only considers medical solutions, but secondary solutions such as acupressure as well.